Why or why not does that surprise you? Because they share 100 percent the same DNA, might you have expected more similarities or not? Explain

This assignment should be at least 700 words. You must use the resources listed above to address all the following questions in essay format. APA FORMAT

You MUST include properly formatted in-text citations throughout the paper and end-of-paper references/bibliography to connect to the required resources used for support. As a reminder, this is a graded part of the paper. Failure to include these elements in your paper will result in a loss of points.

Formatting your Writing Assignment:
Part 1: After you have read their story, describe about how environmental and genetic impacts have and have not shaped them.
“For example, Why is one individual a talented singer featured on Sweden’s got talent” and the other not?”
Does it surprise you that they have the same voice, hands, and face? Explain why or why not.

Why or why not does that surprise you? Because they share 100 percent the same DNA, might you have expected more similarities or not? Explain your answer.

Part 2: Choose a relative close to you, a sibling, stepsibling, first cousin, or other genetically close relative to you, compare and contrast their environment to yours and describe how those similarities and/or differences made them similar to you or different from you.
(For example, in the same family, some children are born into times of affluence and others are born into less affluence. If you were, for example, the first child and your parents were just starting their careers and they were not very wealthy, you probably did not have many vacations or sports equipment and it is possible that your diet was not as enriched.

Later siblings in your families had the benefit of more affluence, let us say, and had more benefits, vacations, music lessons, and perhaps a backyard pool. Their environment was enriched in some way, so to speak, how might that have changed their later opportunities for jobs, materials for writing college entrance essays, and so forth?)

Part 3: Finally, in the last paragraph work out your own thoughts about how powerful DNA is versus how powerful life experiences are in shaping who we become. Which do you think has the most influence on who a person becomes? How does that inform us how to parent, school, and guide children?

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