Who is the intended audience? What are the author’s conclusions? : Are there limitations or biases in this work? What is your overall assessment of the reading?

Adoption of indigenous children by whites in the US

Assignment 1. Search One Search, JSTOR or whatever else Prof.Moronta may suggest to identify 20 scholarly, sociological, peer-reviewed articles on a topic from the list below related to Social Justice and Children’s Rights, specifically international adoption into the US or the US juvenile justice system. This must include at least one article with statistics and one that discusses social justice.

This list must include a statistical article and one that discusses social justice. 3 a. Create an alphabetical list of the 10 articles inASA Format b. Do a structured summary for one of the articles based on the class slides. (1-2 pages) c. Take the remaining nine articles on the reference list and turn them into an annotated bibliography. This is done by looking at the articles and writing two or three sentences that tell the reader what the article is about. If sentences or phrases are copied from the author’s abstract or some other published source, please put them in quotation marks and fully cite your source. (Probably 2-3 pages) d. Entire assignment will run 3-5 pages, depending on how long your annotations are Title AaBbCc Subtitle ds English (United States) Use one of the following topics for your list – I am more confident that you will be able to find 20 peer reviewed articles on any of them than I am if you try some random topic. ADOPTION

Adoption of Korean children by people in the US Adoption of Chinese children by people in the US Adoption of Russian children by people in the US • Adoption of African American children by Whites in the US AaBbCcDdE Subtle Emph. English (United States) Adoption of Indigenous Children by Whites in the US JUVENILE JUSTICE Female Delinquents Gang delinquency DMR (disproportionate minority representation) in the Juvenile Justice system Juvenile delinquents who are treated as adults in the US court system Supreme court decisions affecting the juvenile court in the US annotation The annotations for 9 of your 10 references may be copied from the author’s abstract as long as you put it in quotation marks and indicate the page of your source, You must create the structured annotation for the 10th article.

Find the actual article and read it! Then address most of the following questions in a paragraph or two (1/2 typed page, 17 lines of single-spaced type); they are taken from Angelique Harris and Alia R. Tyner-Mullings, The Sociology Student’s Guide to Writing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2017, p. 128. What is the author’s subject and main focus? What is the author’s background and qualifications?

Who is the intended audience? What are the author’s conclusions? : Are there limitations or biases in this work? What is your overall assessment of the reading? Remember to alphabetize the entire in your reference list!


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