What would be the elements of a more transparent informed consent process?

Assignment Questions. 1. Where did the system fail Lewis and his family 2. What were the system failures in Lewis care process related to: a. Preparation b. Organization c. Environment d. Technology e. Work tasks f. Healthcare provider 3. Where is the process of care did incidents(errors, near misses, adverse events, and harm) occur?

4. What would be the elements of a more transparent informed consent process? 5. Were there opportunities in the process of care to repair physical damage? Relationship damage? Emotional damage?

6. What aspects of this incident will the new legislation cited in the case address? Which aspects does it not address and what else should be done to prevent recurrences of such incidents? 7. If the nurses and residents had checked the references( PDR, for example) for metroplex what would they have found and how might it have affected Lewis treatment.

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