The framework in the Grace
and Uveges textbook (pages 66-68) is to be used. The questions for each step need to be answered
thoughtfully. It is strongly suggested that each step is a separate paper section. As per the attached
rubric, the healthcare team needs 2 courses of action to take. The paper is expected to be 10-12 pages
long, not including the title page and references. It is also expected that there will be at least 4
references, not including course textbooks or readings. Some of the questions in the framework may
need to be hypothetical, just state assumptions. Students will submit a draft for comments and
suggestions. It is strongly suggested that students put the time and effort into the draft so meaningful
comments and suggestions can be provided. Please address all required framework elements and
ensure your paper is APA formatted.
Outline for the paper
I. Introduction to the case
II. Explanation of the framework (e.g., from your textbook, what did Grace and Uveges base their
framework on) (5 points)
III. Identify the major concern (5 points) (What is happening to cause someone to think there is an ethical problem?
What are the facts? Clinically, socially, and environmentally?)
IV. What ethical principles or perspectives are pertinent? (20 points) What implicit assumptions are being made?
Is there a power imbalance? What are these? Who has an interest in maintaining them?
V. Identify and explain information gaps (5 points) (e.g., what more information would be helpful)
VI. Determined who is involved (5 points) (Who is the main focus? Is there more than one important party? Who has
(or thinks they have) an interest in the outcomes? Who will be affected by the outcome?
VII. Based upon your discussion in section IV, decide the prevalent and most important values involved
(5 points) (from an ethical perspective, such as autonomy, non-maleficence, justice, etc.)
VIII. Determine if there are cultural concerns that need to be included. (2 points)
IX. Identify possible courses of action (there needs to be 2) and each action’s benefits and possible
harms/consequences using ethical principles. (20 points)
X. Explain why this action should be taken from ethical principles. (10 points)
XI. Describe what follow-up is needed (3 points) (this would be the conduct ongoing evaluation section
from the framework)
XII. Provide self-refection on your analysis of the case (this is the only section that can be in the 1st
person) (10 points)
The last 10 points are mechanics and Scholarly convention.
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