The Profiteers of the Civil War-Why do you think business practices like those described flourished during this era?

This article highlights several examples of the men who profited from dishonest business ventures during the Civil War. As you read, consider the tactics used by the captains of industry in the years following the war. Do you see any similarities in who they were and how they ran their businesses? Why do you think … Read more

Rodger Corman’s Film The Masque of the Red Death featuring Vincent Price

Analysis assignment for The Masque of the Red Death Film Directed by Rodger Corman featuring Vincent Price According to Meyer, “Marxist readings developed from the heightened interest in radical reform during the 1930s, when many critics looked to literature as a means of furthering proletarian social and economic goals, based largely on the writing of … Read more

Discussion 2: “Is Information Operations (IO) part of cybersecurity?”

Dr. Mueller argues that “psy ops,” disinformation campaigns, or what is called “information operations” are not really cybersecurity issues. This is a controversial claim. Are things that affect the human psyche and not the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information or networks properly classified as cybersecurity issues? What do you think? Don’t be afraid to … Read more

Choose only one of three moral ethical theories listed above as the cornerstone of your essay

Judge the medical case studied in the following video: In the video, philosophers applied the three major ethical principles you learned in this class: Kant’s Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics. In a five-paragraph essay or more, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature … Read more

Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management.

ASSIGNMENT -1 Submission Date by students:Before the end of Week- 6th Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre Weight: 10 Marks Assignment Workload: This assignment is an individual assignment. Learning Outcomes: Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management. Q2.“Employee training and development are essential for short term as well as long-term success of … Read more

What are the two most important things you learned about working on projects? Why are these things important? Explain your answer for each part

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. Students must mention question number clearly in … Read more

Identify the components of the business model canvas and explain how to use them to develop a viable business model.

* Present the steps involved in conducting a feasibility analysis. * Identify the components of the business model canvas and explain how to use them to develop a viable business model. * Explain the benefits of an effective business plan. * Describe the elements of a solid business plan. * Explain the three tests every … Read more

Write an executive summary describing the newly discovered concerns and your analysis of the situation at Company B.

Scenario You have almost completed your analysis of Companies A and B and are scheduled to deliver your proposal to the board. While researching to ensure accurate and up-to-date data, you learn that two of Company B’s aircraft have been grounded over the past couple of months due to technical issues, one of which could … Read more

Identify 2 sub-topics for the three main topics that are discussed in some way within the selected sources.

Write an explanatory synthesis using: • Three sources from your annotated bibliography • One chapter from Turkle • You are asked to identify 2 sub-topics for the three main topics that are discussed in some way within the selected sources. • Since this is an explanatory synthesis, not an argument, your thesis will describe or … Read more