Develop a policy proposal with measures and recommendations that could positively impact nursing practice, allow healthcare institutions to thrive, and improve the quality of patient outcomes.

For your Signature Assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses any four legal issues or ethical concepts of your choice that you feel are particularly important to the improvement of healthcare. Explain the impact of these four concepts on nursing practice, the healthcare institution, and on the quality of patient care. For your presentation: Select … Read more

Cultrual Considerations-How do Japanese and U.S. attitudes toward gift gifting differ?

Introduction Employees on foreign assignments may deal with cultural beliefs, values, and norms that are different from those in the United States. Often times, cultural differences can create issues that conflict directly with the employee’s organizational policy as well as the laws of the land. Human resource (HR) professionals working for global businesses help create … Read more

Provide a short summary of the readings. 2) What have you learned from the readings of the week?

The length of a thought paper should be 1-2 pages, single-spaced. Refrain from copying directly from readings – Use your own words to summarize the main points instead. The thought papers cover the three components. don’t use chat gpt, make the wording humniesd and in text citationan and refrences. 1) Provide a short summary of … Read more

Discuss some of the external influences on cost management that were present in the Big Dig and explain how you would manage those external influences to control both cost growth and schedule extension.

The reading materials from Lecture 1 thru 4 emphasize the critical mechanisms for addressing the complex relationships among scope, cost and schedule and the influences that impact these knowledge areas as it relates to cost and schedule estimation and control. Review your lecture materials, relevant outside literature, and chapters 5, 6, and 8 of your … Read more

Discuss each medication prescribed to the patient (i.e., the medication’s proposed risks and benefits, the symptoms that the medication is prescribed to treat, the class of drug under which the medication is classified, etc.).

The final project involves writing a paper, five to six pages in length, double-spaced. Each student will be given the pharmaco-profile (i.e., a list of current prescribed medications) for a patient receiving intensive psychiatric monitoring. The student will be required, in paper format, to discuss each medication prescribed to the patient (i.e., the medication’s proposed … Read more

What can a nurse do to make life in the hospital more culture-specific for an Amish client?

Caring for Cuban, Amish, & Irish Populations and creating a pamphlet After studying Module 7: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: What are the differences that may affect Cuban-American patients who immigrated at different times? What can a nurse do to make life in the hospital more culture-specific for an Amish client? List at … Read more

Describe any reservations or concerns you have as you engage in your doctoral studies. How do you feel about being a doctoral student? Do you feel you belong?

Post a response to the following. For this graded Discussion, introduce yourself to your colleagues through a mind map. In the center of your mind map, write your name, your program, and where you live. Then create five nodes branching from this center. Use the following titles: Professional Identity Doctorial Identity Potential Topic Ways of … Read more

Discuss existing operational workflows, sorting technologies, and labor utilization at Amazon’s sorting facilities.

ASRP: Optimizing Sorting Center Operations for Cost Savings Objective Develop a strategic marketing plan that enhances efficiency and reduces operational costs within Amazon sorting stations, leveraging AI, workforce optimization, and process improvements. 1. Executive Summary Provide a high-level overview of sorting centers’ challenges, the need for cost-saving initiatives, and the proposed solutions involving automation, workforce … Read more

Why do Cells become canerous-In other words, a normal cell turns into a cancer cell. What causes this happen? What types of cells are more prone to cancer? Why? Finally, why is it that older individuals are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer?

Prompt: Cancer begins when a normal cell loses its ability to properly control cell division. In other words, a normal cell turns into a cancer cell. What causes this happen? What types of cells are more prone to cancer? Why? Finally, why is it that older individuals are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer? … Read more