Watch the attached video and what is your opinion on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences? Do you agree with Gardner or his critics

300 word discussion post Howard Gardner’s (1983/1993, 2009, 2016) theory of multiple intelligences proposes that there are multiple different types of intelligence that exist, not just one. According to Gardner, they are visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, musical-rhythmic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and bodily-kinesthetic. But, critics question whether such talents are best thought of as “intelligences” or special … Read more

Provide a content overview on micronutrients, students are expected to supplement their table with additional information from reputable sources (scientific journals).

students are required to complete a detailed table summarizing the key roles of micronutrients in human metabolism. Specifically, the table should include the name of each nutrient, its role in metabolism, and the primary clinical symptoms associated with its deficiency. The assignment will be graded based on accuracy, clarity, and completeness, with particular emphasis on … Read more