The essays are to be written in APA format (strictly) and all works including any machine generated text must be referenced. In text citations are required. Any quotations beyond fifty words must be in block quotes utilizing proper block quotations (this includes AI and Gen AI essay responses).
Please also remember to deposit Case Study (Frontier Services) and read ahead chapters 12 and 21 as well as the Tale of Two Cities Case.
( Strategic Logistics Management includes the notion of many novel concepts. Some of these have been developed over the millennia. These include the high-level strategies, plans, decisions, relationships, and mechanisms to select and provide the best logistics solutions and outcomes possible. While some of the determinations involve the operational aspects, most of the main elements and key considerations of strategic logistics involve those impacting SCM.)
– The goal of crafting these essays are to assess your ability to research, write and report on relevant real world strategic items learned in class lectures, readings, notes and scholarly literature.
– In crafting your responses you are given five research questions in advance to prepare your scholarly writing.
– You are to choose one such research questions and write an effective response utilizing a minimum of two scholarly qualified references.
– The length of your responses can be anywhere from two to three paragraphs but not exceeding five paragraphs. Please consider for the purposes of grading that two paragraphs is the minimum while five would be considered somewhat of a maximum. Again, you must consider utilizing two scholarly pieces of literature in addition to any books, text or other industry journals.
Choose one:
You are to choose one of the following five subject questions. It is highly recommended that you read each research question and research carefully prior to selecting responses. You only require one responses.
1- Strategic Location Analysis:
What is gravity-based location analysis (describe), why is this a preferred method and how is this calculated? Can you think of any additional items to consider?
2- Market Considerations and Channels:
What is channel design and selection? Include a few of the operational issues to consider in developing a logistics strategy. How does channel design impact the strategic plan?
3- The Function of the Warehouse:
What are the main and most important functions of any type of warehouse and why? More importantly, how do these functions impact the strategy and performance of an organization?
4- The Delighted Customer:
What is customer service and some of the proactive goals of servicing a customer? How can we use reactive measures to improve customer outcomes? How about a few metrics? Can you name a few of these?
5- Distribution Innovation and Technology:
What are some of the most recent and impactful innovations in distribution logistics management? Why are these important? How have these impacted growth and competition?
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