Is Google Making Us Stupid-The claim that students are to defend is based upon the passage reading. Rather or not, you believe that “Google is making us stupid?”

The assignment is a two (2) page essay defending a claim to a privately owned business. The privately owned business is Google. Students are to read the thinking passage in the textbook 3-4A: The Influence of New Media – Is Google Making Us Stupid? (Chapter 3). The claim that students are to defend is based upon the passage reading. Rather or not, you believe that “Google is making us stupid?”

The object of the assignment is to have the students read the passage and critically think, discuss, and defend your claim as the author of the passage, Nicholas Carr addresses his concerns of, “whether the culture’s pervasive use of Web-based new media is restructuring the way we think, making it more difficult for us to concentrate, contemplate, and read lengthy, complex books and articles.

The author’s concerns that using the Web encourages us to jump quickly from link to link, spending little time at any one particular place to think deeply and analytically about the ideas we are considering. Is this a problem about which we ought to be concerned?” (Chaffe, et al. 2019, p.)

Students can take any part of the passage and defend your stance, belief, (claim), or point of view as you choose. It is up to the student to determine and defend your thesis statement. There is no right or wrong answer, just ensuring that students are displaying knowledge of course material and mastery of the subject matter.


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