This assignment has multiple steps; please make sure you complete them all!
*Step 1: *Create and share an Essay 2 document, just like you did for Essay
1. From now on, your work for Essay 2 will go on this document!
*Step 2*: *On the document, copy/paste the following questions, and answer
them for the articles you’ll be using for Essay 2. (Remember, this will be
the same article you used for Essay 1 plus the article assigned here: Essay
2 Assignment Overview.
1. How does each text appeal to *kairos*?
2. How does each text appeal to *logos?*
3. How does each text appeal to *ethos*?
4. How does each text appeal to *pathos*?
5. Purpose – What is the exigence, specific purpose, and rhetorical aim
of each text? How might these contextual features have influenced the
authors’ choices in each text?
6. Audience – What is the primary audience for each text? How does the
intended audience influence the authors’ choices in each text? What, if
any, differences may exist between the audience addressed and the audience
invoked? How might these differences influence the effectiveness of each
text? What secondary audiences might be likely to encounter these texts?
How effective would the texts be for their secondary audiences, and why?
7. Genre – What is the genre of each text, and what are the conventions
of each of those genres? How and why does each text adhere to or subvert
genre conventions?
8. Medium – What is the medium of each text, and how has the medium
influenced or constrained the authors’ choices? What are the strengths and
limitations of each medium?
**Notes on Step 2: *To answer these questions thoroughly, you should write *at
least *500 words total. Incorporate specific details from the texts to
support your analysis, and remember to document page numbers as needed. Be
sure to answer each question for each text, and remember to follow the
standard academic practice of referring to texts by author names (for help
on this, review the guidance in Ch. 2 about attributive tags).
*Step 3: *Download a copy of your Essay 2 document with these
questions/answers and upload it here.
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